Alte - Collembola

Art of a Pentagonal Dominionist Centaur by Bear Pettigrew

  • Name: (s.) Alte (m.)/Alta (f.). (pl.) Altetia. (adj.) Altetian

    Avg. lifespan (years): 70

    Common elemental types: Lightning

    Description: Humanoid shape and size, light skin (sometimes yellowish in tone), light eyes (white, grey, light blue, light green, pink, etc), light hair (ranges from white/silver, to blond, to reddish). Hair often grows in spikes. Shoulders have spiked protrusions. Private parts come in various shapes, and not all Alte can breed with any Alta.

    From Shiyomi Ryuugashuyuu’s Guide for Merchants of Faces: The Altetian face displays a wide range of emotions. Take care when drawing their eyebrows, because they can be as light as their skin and difficult to see, but can also grow in clusters like their head-hair.

    From General Siobhan Vernika’s Art of Interspecies Warfare: The Altetia are immune to lightning strikes and will hunker down in their forts in the Lands of Lightning if another species wages war against them. Their large shoulders confers a surprising amount of upper arm strength. They make for good halberdiers, lancers, and archers. They should be on the frontline in any war against Yosoe, Wynnles, Equara, or Carinians.

    From Lord Barabara of Anguish’s Encyclopedia of Torture: No spectacular ways to torture Altetia. The shoulder protrusions are quite durable. Immune to electric shock, and also surprisingly resistant to cold temperatures. Most are immune to fire as well, as their society has systems in place to ensure the Lightning elementals don’t infringe upon Sparkato’s inane rules about sex. Speaking of, Altetian genitalia are of peculiar interest to me. Did they evolve that way as a means to prevent people from breeding with a supposed ‘Other’? Or were they morphed by a perverted Life God in another timeline?

    From Requiem’s Memoirs of a Merchant of Hedonism: Square peg, round hole. Altetia are open to discussion about sex because they understand the importance of knowing their partner’s shape and size before asking. Some Altetia can interbreed and sex can be pleasurable for their non-Alte/a partner. Some… well, know your limits before consenting.

  • Name: (s.) Anemone (pl.) Anemones (adj.) Anemonic

    Avg. lifespan (years): 80

    Common elemental types: Plant, Water, Sound

    Description: Colorful coral mermaids. Non-Water elementals can also breathe underwater. Underwater, they are nullped-bibrach (mermaid), with a tail resembling coral. They have faces that look human, but are covered in coral, and their mouth is only for speaking. Their scalps are brain coral, but they grow sea anemone strands for hair. In the center of their brain coral, they have a real mouth. They can catch prey with their hair-tentacles and toss it into their mouths. Some Anemone mouths are closer to their neck or back.

    They can remove their tail and become biped on land. An Anemone’s tail isn’t specific to them, and another Anemone can wear another one’s tail. If an Anemone loses their tail, they can grow another one, though it might take upwards of a month. In certain hybrids, the tail takes other forms. For instance, hybrids of Anemone x Piniko are essentially selkies, who can remove their seal skin to become a coralline humanoid.

    From Shiyomi Ryuugashuyuu’s Guide for Merchants of Faces: One must have limitless patience to draw a specific Anemone. The sheer amount of detail, to get every coral’s shape and color correct, will drive you to the brink of insanity.

    From General Siobhan Vernika’s Art of Interspecies Warfare: As an Anemone myself, I will say what no Anemone is willing to say: Anemone are fragile on land and martially outclassed by every other aquatic species in water, particularly the Krakens. The only reason they maintained their independence for so long was due to their intense worship of Deep Sea, who protected them from conquest by the other nations within him. If you must have them in your army, let them serve as messengers or cooks. Don’t try to make scouts or spies out of them, either; their bright colors can be seen from miles away.

    From Lord Barabara of Anguish’s Encyclopedia of Torture: One could spend hours plucking at every piece of coral on an Anemone’s body. Some are connected to nociceptors, some are not. They joy of finding a particularly sensitive one is unparalleled. Some will languish if left without their tail. If they don’t receive enough nutrients, they may be unable to grow a new one.

    From Requiem’s Memoirs of a Merchant of Hedonism: Anemones are beautiful. Even if you’re not sexually attracted to one, it’s hard to deny the artistry of their natural bodies. They are capable of interbreeding with land-based species when they remove their tails. One of my most beloved companions, and one who helped free my mind of hatred, was my beloved Siodhachan, half Anemone and half Orochijin. His elegance and serenity gave our house and garden a pleasant aesthetic.

  • Name: (s.) Bacchante (pl.) Bacchantes (adj.) Bacchante

    Avg. lifespan (years): 80

    Common elemental types: Mind, Plant, Sound

    Description: An all-female species created by a Life God in another dominion/timeline to serve in a harem for himself and his brother, the Mind God of that dominion. Bacchantes look like human women, but with vastly superior speed, endurance, strength, and immunity to extreme temperatures. They were intentionally designed to be sex slaves, so their ‘sexual anatomy’ includes being able to expand their “you know what” so they can have sex with *ahem* larger men. Bacchantes have daughters 90% of the time. Of those, 75% will be ‘pure Bacchante’ as far as her anatomy goes, though she may have the skin, hair, or eye colors of her father. The other 25% of daughters are more traditional hybrids which a Mantodea will read as being half Bacchante and half the father’s species. The 10% chance they have a son, he will look entirely like the father, but may have some of the Bacchante mother’s enhanced strength.

    From Shiyomi Ryuugashuyuu’s Guide for Merchants of Faces: Many Bacchantes are tired of being sexualized in art. If a customer approaches for a portrait, do not immediately assume she wants to look attractive. Do not exaggerate her beauty in the portrait, either. They know what their faces look like, and they do not care for flattery.

    From General Siobhan Vernika’s Art of Interspecies Warfare: No species is as overlooked in warfare as a Bacchante. Most generals imagine them as scantily-clad damsels. Those generals couldn’t be more wrong. Remember that Bacchantes will tear animals with their bare hands during the Bacchanalia. These women are strong enough to wield claymores, can easily wear the heaviest armor, and do not get overheated or cold except in the most extreme environments. In the majority of their cultures, dueling is acceptable. If you are in a fight with one, they are likely to agree to a one-on-one duel.

    From Lord Barabara of Anguish’s Encyclopedia of Torture: These accursed women almost got the best of me. Many feel pleasure instead of anguish when punished by the usual implements of torture. They only feel pain once you’ve gone too far. There is one torture that works on most Bacchantes, though a handful will remain elusive: forced chastity. Locking a Bacchante in a chastity belt, particularly during the days of the Bacchanalia, may drive her insane as she begs for release.

    From Requiem’s Memoirs of a Merchant of Hedonism: Bacchantes were merchants of hedonism before merchants of hedonism officially existed. It’s almost too easy to find one willing to have sex, get drunk, or party with you. I’ve participated in my fair share of Bacchanalias. You can’t call yourself a merchant of hedonism if you’ve never been to one. Also, even if you’re not religious (I sure as fuck aren’t), participate in the ritual worship of Lucognidus anyway. The Bacchante volkhvs will give you an experience like none you’ve ever had.

  • Name: (s.) Blattaria (pl.) Blattarians (adj.) Blattarian

    Avg. lifespan (years): 100

    Common elemental types: Life

    Description: One of the many ‘insect’ species who the Life Goddess Anura of the Anuran Dominion created. The Blattarians were created from cockroaches. They resemble a “cockroach centaur”, being a hairy six-legged insect from the waist-down and a humanoid from the waist-up. Their humanoid top is not necessarily ugly, though they are large compared to a human. They stand upwards of eight feet tall, and 10 feet long. Blattarians are resistant to radiation, but despise light. Many live in Gingiri, a town in Ophidia’s Silver Marshes that was destroyed by a nuclear Demon Lord. They’re rebuilt, but radiations prevents anyone else from living there now.

    From Shiyomi Ryuugashuyuu’s Guide for Merchants of Faces: Perhaps the most difficult part of painting a subject is getting enough light on them without making them uncomfortable. If you are accustomed to painting in darker environments, your Blattaria will appreciate it. If you need light, they may wish to cover their eyes until you need to see their eyes. Take care when painting their legs, as their hair might sway in unpredictable ways.

    From General Siobhan Vernika’s Art of Interspecies Warfare: The most obnoxious thing about fighting a Blattaria is their resistance to pain. You could cut off half their legs, and they will fight as vigorously as if they were completely healthy. One of the best complements to a Blattaria is a companion on their back, defending their sides. A Blattarian soldier with a rider ought to be equipped with a sword or an axe—something that won’t interfere with the rider, as a polearm would.

    From Lord Barabara of Anguish’s Encyclopedia of Torture: Their resistance to pain is legendary, though they can’t stand the cold. They will slow down in even moderately-cold temperatures. The best way to torture them is with light. I’ve had Blattarians claw out their own eyes from not being able to sleep in a well-lit room.

    From Requiem’s Memoirs of a Merchant of Hedonism: Blattarians can drink for days before passing out, and their sex is rough. They’re a large species, so smaller merchants be warned. In addition, their private parts are located near the rear of the cockroach-body and point down, so they will likely want to be on top of you. They won’t crush you, as they can hold themselves up with their legs, but your face likely won’t reach the end of their thorax, let alone the part above the waist.

  • Name: (s.) Carinian (pl.) Carinians (adj.) Carinian

    Avg. lifespan (years): 100

    Common elemental types: Stone, Lightning, Force

    Description: They’re very… mechanical. They have a central ‘eye’ which can see into infrared and ultraviolet, and can detect heat. Their eye floats inside rings of metal enchanted with Force elementrons which allow them to float within a set distance of the ground. Metallic ‘parts’ and appendages then float near the central rings. These parts may be shaped like balls, rods, gears, hooks, or other simple shapes. They are decorated in symbols that may be turned on to glow in the dark. One of their floating pieces is enchanted with Sound elementrons and allows for speech. Another part (sometimes two) is/are enchanted with Life elementrons and allows for reproduction. A single Carinian usually has parts that allow it to breed with both men and women of other species, though successful hybridization is rare. Carinians with both parts can reproduce asexually, as well. They eat stones and metals from another floating part that serves as a mouth. A Carinian can connect all its pieces together, which it must do after eating to ensure the ‘nutrients’ get to every part. However, it is immobile in this state. Carinians usually eat before going to sleep.

    From Shiyomi Ryuugashuyuu’s Guide for Merchants of Faces: The symbols must be spot-on. Carinians know the designs and patterns on their body perfectly, and if you draw any random line or swirl, they will know you took the lazy way out.

    From General Siobhan Vernika’s Art of Interspecies Warfare: Traditional weapons don’t work on Carinians. You can smack them with a sword for hours and end up with a broken sword and a laughing Carinian. The eye is the only part that can take damage, but it’s guarded by its metal rings. The only way for a normal soldier to defeat one is to spray the eye-rings with Lira’s acid until they’re sufficiently disintegrated, then destroy the eye. Lightning strikes may kill a non-Lightning elemental, however, their propensity to interbreed with Altetia has led to many being immune to electricity.

    From Lord Barabara of Anguish’s Encyclopedia of Torture: Carinians are not hurt by blades or needles, fire or ice, except for their eyes, which are so delicate that the slightest damage will kill one. They can be tortured by vibrations, however. Sound and vibration can shake their metallic parts and induce a sensation of ‘falling apart’ which induces severe and delicious mental stress.

    From Requiem’s Memoirs of a Merchant of Hedonism: Carinians can’t get drunk, but they find enjoyment in other things. They’re fond of dancing, though each one has a different kind of dance. If you learn to dance well with one, it’s a sign of true friendship. Regarding sex, some may have your preferred part, some may not. Some might have both parts. It will be hard, given it’s made of metal, which can be pleasurable to a woman, though I can’t imagine men get much enjoyment from the female parts…

  • Name: (s.) Centaur (pl.) Centaurs (adj.) Centaurian

    Avg. lifespan (years): 100 years

    Common elemental types: Wind, Fire (horse/dragon) Stone (claw)

    Description: If you’re imagining a person with the top half of a humanoid and the bottom half of a horse, congrats! You’re partially correct! When a Centaur hatches (remember everyone in my world hatches from an egg) they’re actually two people. One is a ‘traditional’ Centaur-looking entity, though they have fur/hair on the ‘humanoid’ part of them as well, usually. Sometimes not if they’re a hybrid of a species with skin. But baseline Centaurs are furry/hairy all the way up. They do grow a thick mane of head-hair and back-hair. But also, one of their hands is under the control of another entity. Their ‘hand’ ends in a face with a big snout and mouth with sharp teeth, often called ‘the claw.’ The claw is metallic and weighs a lot when at rest, but they can adjust their weight via Stone elementrons in their teeth. When awake, they exert their own will over the Centaur’s arm, but they do not feel excessively heavy. The two parts of the Centaur share nutrients, blood, and DNA. They are always born the same sex, though they may develop different sexual orientations later. Starting at age 16, the two bodies can separate if they wish, though doing so is a days-long process that requires assistance from other people. When the split is complete, the ‘humanoid’ part of the Centaur crawls out of the horse-body with scales from the waist-down and newly-grown draconic wings. The ‘claw’ part inherits the horse’s body, with the front legs transforming into arms and the back legs becoming hoof-based bipedal legs.

    From Shiyomi Ryuugashuyuu’s Guide for Merchants of Faces: Remember that a Centaur is not a horse or an Equara. Their anatomy, skeletal structure, musculature, etc. are all different from that of a horse. If you draw their lower half like that of a horse, you will end up disappointing them. After transformation, the body changes even more drastically. If you are drawing just the claw-form, you cannot simply draw the head where the dragon-form’s torso once began.

    From General Siobhan Vernika’s Art of Interspecies Warfare: They’re large, heavy, and fast, but essentially one-handed. Even the best dragon-claw pair cannot coordinate well enough to use weapons that would require two hands. A one-handed sword for each, or a one-handed sword for the dragon-form while the claw-form holds a shield is ideal, though the claw-form will be unable to while the shield is in their mouth. I’ve seen some Centaurs poke eyeholes in their shields, to varying levels of efficacy. Some visibility is better than none. Perhaps the best weapon a Centaur can carry is a skilled rider on their back, equipped with a lance or bow. Post-transformation dragon-form Centaurs can be put in squads of Winyans or Pellas and serve similar martial functions as them. Claw-form Centaurs make for decent infantry and should be equipped with rubber helmets to protect their metallic heads from Lira’s acid. They are already strong against metal weaponry.

    From Lord Barabara of Anguish’s Encyclopedia of Torture: Although the dragon-form and claw-form share many other biological functions, pain is not one of them, as their nervous systems are not fully connected. Torture inflicted on the dragon only hurts the dragon. Pain inflicted upon the claw only affects the claw. One particularly cruel method of torture involves hurting just one of them while the other is forced to watch and listen to their lifelong friend’s cries of anguish.

    From Requiem’s Memoirs of a Merchant of Hedonism: Pre-transformation, the sexual organs are felt and controlled by the dragon-form, the entity who control the horse’s body. Note, however, that throughout most of the Pentagonal Dominion, you need the consent of both forms to have legal sexual interactions. Also note that in the case of male Centaurs, their penis is… well, as large as a horse’s. Take caution if you are one of the smaller species.

  • Name: (s.) Coleopteran (pl.) Coleopterans (adj.) Coleopteran

    Avg. lifespan (years): 80

    Common elemental types: Life, Lightning

    Description: Bipedal beetle-people. They come in a variety of appearances, since the presence of elementrons will trigger their DNA into expressing physical traits that their ancestors carried, but did not display. All Coleopterans have a rough shell on their backs and can fly, but certain features depend on the individual’s element. Death elementals will grow a horn like a rhinoceros beetle. Lightning elementals will develop a light on the end of their abdomen like a firefly. Stone elementals develop colorful, metallic shells like a scarab. The most common type, the Life elementals, develop a red shell with black spots like a ladybug.

    From Shiyomi Ryuugashuyuu’s Guide for Merchants of Faces: There are as many unique shapes and colors to a Coleopteran as there are Coleopterans. Their insectoid parts may be difficult for merchants who are used to drawing flesh and bone. Learn the texture of their shells, the shapes of their horns, the glow of their lights.

    From General Siobhan Vernika’s Art of Interspecies Warfare: Coleopterans are neither terrible nor great for use in war. They are a most middling soldier. They are efficient foot soldiers, and can be equipped with any weapon, though I would recommend a standard halberd. Their body is naturally armored, they can move and march well. They prefer to fight in tight formations. Although they can fly, they are better at defending when they have their feet on the ground. A Coleopteran with a light on their abdomen may be used to send signals. Beware they are not seen by the enemy.

    From Lord Barabara of Anguish’s Encyclopedia of Torture: Coleopterans make a delightful popping sound when their joints are removed. The different varieties have no features that make them more interesting torture subjects. A Coleopteran with a light on their abdomen may be used to send signals. Beware they are not seen by the enemy.

    From Requiem’s Memoirs of a Merchant of Hedonism: Coleopterans may come in a variety of colors and shapes, but their private parts are mostly all the same. The men are well-endowed for their size and the women, having been created to take such a large penis, likewise have wide vaginas that may not be pleasurable to other species.

  • Name: (s.) Collembola (pl.) Collembolans (adj.) Collembolan

    Avg. lifespan (years): 65

    Common elemental types: Life

    Description: The dominion’s only ‘monoped’ species. Collembolans are small and squishy, usually being about 15-18 inches when they stand up on their single leg. At rest, however, they balance on their tails—a spring which can launch them dozens of feet into the air. When they come down, their squishy bodies ensure they are not hurt, usually. They have huge snouts (in comparison to the rest of their body) that can quickly blow a bubble and, if they’re coming down snout-first, they can create a landing bubble to soften their fall even more.

    Collembolan snouts produce an adhesive mucus that they mass produce and sell as glue. Their mucus can only be made if they eat the bones of certain large animals. Many Collembolans live in societies with Phthirapterans and Psocopterans. The trio are in a symbiotic relationship with each other. Collembolans eat the bones of animals hunted by Phthirapterans, then their mucus feeds Psocopterans.

    From Shiyomi Ryuugashuyuu’s Guide for Merchants of Faces: Remember that Collembolans are soft, malleable. If you hug one too tight, it’ll contour to the shape of your hands. When you depict one, use curved lines. They don’t have the kind of angles or sharp skeletal structure you use when drawing other species.

    From General Siobhan Vernika’s Art of Interspecies Warfare: Collembolans aren’t worth much on the offensive, but they can be a pain in the ass to kill if you’re up against a swarm jumping around you. In their triad-communities, they rarely fight, leaving battles to the Phthira and Psoco. Their mucus can be used to create traps, but it takes a significant amount—more than a single Collembola will produce in a worthwhile amount of time. And even the strongest Collembolan mucus can be cut away by a half-decent blade.

    From Lord Barabara of Anguish’s Encyclopedia of Torture: Because of their soft, malleable bodies, they are resistant to many of the usual forms of torture involving maiming, crushing, or slashing. When the spring on their tail is stretched out, it will become an irritant after a while.

    From Requiem’s Memoirs of a Merchant of Hedonism: Collembolans can only breed with other Collembolans, but they can still engage in sexual activities with sufficiently kinky individuals. I once met one who allowed me to use her tail as a dildo. For her part, she was mostly turned on by the idea of being the ‘penis’ in our equation. A Collembola’s tail is hard and may be dangerous to put in sensitive regions, so take care. I have met other hedonists who enjoy the feeling of peeling Collembolan mucus off their skin, but that’s one activity that does not appeal to me.